Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jackie Spears. Grillin.

Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is shine up the snatch-outs and grill the shit out of Death until he forgets what he came here for.

That, boys and girls, is how to own a mug shot. No half-eyed, empty void of the DUI arrest. No disheveled hair, Hawaiian shirts or bathrobes of the Noltes and James Browns. Not even the stoic, sad professionalism of the career small time criminal. For all we know, Jackie Spears woke up one morning and committed armed robbery specifically with the intention of getting in front of a camera to show off his golds, and this is exactly where he wanted to end up. Like Hannibal Smith chomping on a cigar, I love it when a plan comes together. Whether or not the plan itself had any value or larger purpose is certainly up for debate, but not necessarily relevant.

If you're not reading at least one daily newspaper, you're cheating yourself. The daily crime round up of the Commercial Appeal is Solomon's Mine for oddities, humor, tragedy and whimsy. With only a very little imagination, you can flesh out each dispatch into your own do-it-yourself episode of The Wire. On the day of Jackie Spears, Memphis also had an ice cream truck for a getaway car, a meth cookers' love story and the next great step in pharmacology-- anti-anxiety pills with a light, minty finish. Because it's hard to get easy if you're not sure that your breath is fresh.

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